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My Dad celebrates 101 years today. He had no idea that he'd live this long. It continues to be a privilege to help care for him.
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Re: 101!

101! That's impressive these days. What a blessing that he has you!
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Re: 101!

Thought to post this here rather than start a new thread. A week ago today, my Dad fell in his condominium early in the morning. He was taken to the hospital, and was diagnosed with a fractured left wrist and several small brain bleeds. They aligned the wrist bones as best they could, and placed a cast. He returned home on Saturday, June 17, fairly late in the day. I sometimes still feel unprepared for the task ahead, but then I hearken back to the time he returned home from hospital in December 2020. Thought I would repost here something which was posted to the old forum in December 2020, to allow it current life on the internet as a testimony.

(Started this hours ago on a tablet; retyping it and completing it now on my Dad's computer, as it's faster this way.)

Dad was found on the floor of his condominium by my sister and brother-in-law two weeks ago this past Friday. Their estimation was that he had been on the floor for about 12 hours. He was taken to the emergency department by an ambulance and was subsequently admitted.

During the course of his hospital stay, diagnoses included sepsis (whole body infection,) endocarditis (infection of the heart,) and aspiration pneumonia (pneumonia due to food / drink entering the respiratory tract.) He was also found to have low oxygen saturations while sleeping. He has had difficulty with constipation for some time, and this is sometimes quite painful for him.

While he was in hospital, there was family discussion regarding caring for him at home. The hospital was recommending subacute rehabilitation, which would take place at an area skilled nursing facility. At this time in Michigan, the only visits allowed in nursing facilities are window visits, except in the instances where the person is dying. Additionally, although my now former and perhaps future (via per diem work) workplace provides quite good care and excellent therapy, I knew that there was no way they could give the same level of care and attention he would receive at his home.

There have been many instances in my life when I had thought I had heard from our heavenly Father, but had not. As I was considering caring for him at home while driving one day, possibly on my way to see him at the hospital, I heard (not audibly,) "I have prepared you for this."

He was in hospital from that Friday through a week from the following Tuesday, which was this Tuesday past. He arrived back home on 12/8/20 about 9:15 PM via medical transport. Tuesday night, waiting in his condominium, I was sometimes in tears, concerned about the enormity of the task, despite the assurance I had received.

During the course of his hospital stay, he was never offered (to my knowledge) use of either a bedside commode or toilet. There was a urinal he could use, but it was not often within his reach and I'm not sure he knew how to use the call light. He arrived at home with a great deal of learned dependence. (He had been independent in his condominium with family support, walked without assistive device, showered standing in the tub, etc.)

Dad turned 99 on October 6, and has rather advanced macular degeneration, so can see almost no detail and can no longer read even very large print.

He is now using supplemental oxygen, which has likely been needed for some time. (He has a small portable oxygen concentrator, but used this primarily when being taken out somewhere.) His diet is currently puree with slightly thickened liquids, which enables greater food / liquid intake. Oxygen while eating is helpful, as his problems with aspiration are partially due to breathing difficulties. He will likely be set up for a home sleep study, as he almost certainly has sleep apnea. (Since being at his home, where I am now 24/7, I have seen him stop breathing while sleeping several times, even though he seldom snores.) The constipation is, I believe, being resolved via the diet and increased liquid intake possible through the thickened liquid and use of oxygen. (Prayer is also a major factor.) He is receiving antibiotics through a PICC line via syringe once per day, which I am now administering after training.

Other family members are beginning to assist as they are able, and I believe I am seeing a healing of relationships which have been strained for quite some time, in some instances.

Dad is doing remarkably better. The speech therapist, who completed his evaluation last Thursday, saw him again today, and said she noticed that he was stronger. My younger daughter saw him today for the first time since his hospitalization, and said that he looked better than he has in more than a year. He is now walking with a walker, dresses himself with close supervision (with assist for socks,) and is constantly asking what he needs to do next. He has been totally continent over the last 3 days and nights. We have had good opportunity to talk about God and his goodness.

I am sure that there is more to tell. Although I am very privileged and honored to care for my dad with joy, I am tired, although sleep is getting better. I believe that I heard, as I began to type this, something to the effect of "I am working through you in this." At this point, I would not be at all surprised to have him at a higher level of function in many aspects than he has been in 2 or more years. There is no rational explanation which I can give for the rapidity of his improvement other than the hand of God.

“So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.’” Luke 17:10, NKJV
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Re: 101!

Thanks for reposting this.
What a privilege for your dad to have you and other family members to care for him. Amazing that he made it through that first time, with sepsis and several other severe conditions. And how wonderful that he came back to being more independent again.
A nursing facility in 2020 certainly wouldn’t have been a good option.
I understand it must have seemed like an enormous task. But you also had good support from above!
I hope his wrist heals smoothly and that the brain bleeds don’t cause trouble, Again - what a blessing for him to have you.

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