Version 3.0


A modest instruction and learning resource for devotees of the humble pennywhistle.

Sheet music hymns, Christmas carols, folk, traditional and classical songs arranged for D Pennywhistle, with tablature (fingering diagrams). Some songs organized by difficulty on the Teaching Resources page.

What's Whistle and Squeak?

Several years ago, I signed up to help teach pennywhistle in a children's VBS. It would be easy to find the material I needed, that didn't require already knowing how to read music, right?

All I wanted was some good, familiar songs for whistle, with melody line and tablature displayed together, and words.

No luck. I'd have to make what I wanted for myself.

I spent days muttering at software, finally working out a system and making a small set of songs to take with me, and it worked.

Got home after a week, then thought "Hey, maybe other folks could use and enjoy what I've made!" Started fiddling with publishing a website, and well, here is what it has grown into.  Hope you enjoy it.

Mark Bell

Sibilo Ergo Sum